12 jan and I was looking for problems to solve. Remember 2022 mission is to try to solve or atleast think about problems (real time ones) and find solutions to them - Ideas.
Now - if you are on facebook / youtube - you must have come across advertisements asking you to contribute to help the poor - hungry people across the world.
I wonder how my funds would help them anyway
What are these so called organisations doing to help the needy hungry people ?
I will research into it and revert back with updates soon., BUT as of now i am jotting down this simple idea to beat the Hunger problem
make a product that saves the day
- when it comes to providing food to those in need ( as what ive see during floods, natural disasters) , it becomes a huge logistical problem
- how to carry , how to distribute , how long will the food stay good
- say if we make FOOD BARs which contain 1/4 or 1/10th of daily nutritiional requirements , could it solve the half of the problem
- will it not be easier to transport and distribute ?
- also the shelf life of food bars is upto 60 days so it can be stored for longer time
- easy to airdrop - and does not get damaged on drop
- people can carry them easily for days and stay alive
These organisations can tie up with a manufacturer and use their funds to produce these bars as per requirement and distribute via airdrop or other channels
Now this might seem superficial - i am just writing my thoughts out - i need to go do reasearch on how actually people are working to solve this problem.
Your comments/suggestions/ideas are very much welcome - also you can connect with me on twitter/vaigai